Yesterday I posted about how difficult it was to get decent (any?) photographs of the local green woodpeckers. I decided to have another go today. Here are the results.

Instead of lurking around my usual spotting site, I ventured out to some nearby fields (15-20 minute walk). As you can see, I was in luck (there was a woodpecker about), but typically it was playing hard to get (these are hefty crops)

green woodpecker

green woodpecker

green woodpecker

I did eventually get closer, but not too close…

green woodpecker

green woodpecker

Inevitably as I crept closer, the woodpecker took to the wing again, this time coming to rest on an old stump in a nearby field.

green woodpecker

By this stage it was time for me to head back to work. I was just about back to where I’d started out from an hour earlier to be greeted by this:

green woodpecker

And that was just about that!

Camera note: all shots taken with the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Good work- thanks for posting :up:

  2. I think it's always worth trying something new with wildlife shots. While I'd prefer to sit in a quiet spot for an hour or two, I can rarely afford the time 🙁

    They're quite an attractive looking bird- I can see why you would want to get some good shots of it.

  3. Super shots!

  4. A pleasure! If something of a trek to get these. Maybe I should just hide out for an hour and wait for them to come to me.

  5. They never do want to make life easy, do they! My favourite here is the woodpecker on the stump 🙂

    I'm not very good at sitting still, unless I'm watching a busy viewing site. I prefer photography hikes!

  6. Adele, I liked that shot on the stump as well. Just a shame I couldn't get closer!

    Mostly (as you can tell) I tend to hike around unless the dragonflies are out. That can keep me at the pond easily for an hour.

  7. Brendan, I don't get too much time either. If I can I manage about an hour at lunchtime, but sometimes work straight through. The real ldifficulty with the woodpecker (as you can see) is that it keeps so close to the ground even when on the wing. I've never seen it fly above the tree line which makes spotting it (and photographing it) all the more tricky.

  8. Vulpes, thanks!

  9. Interesting and colorful woodpecker as well as a challenge. I can relate 😉

  10. Very nice work to get those shots:D Its a nice excersize walking for a while to get better shots of wildlife.

  11. Mark, I enjoy the lunchtime walks. Gets rid of the cobwebs and keeps me away from the computer.

  12. Thanks Andy! I think you probably trek a bit harder for some of your shots judging from your profile pic 😉

  13. Great to see your persistence paid off :up:

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