By now the Falmer Pond rats need no introduction, so another small selection from today….

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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D EF and 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Words, I know it's probably no "de rigueur" to call rats cute, but I can't help it! They really are! I suppose it's like the old saying, Not in our neighbourhood!

  2. Maybe they are still on summer vacation 😛

  3. Robin, they are indeed surprisingly cute when they behave like that. I think there's a big difference to seeing them in what is a fairly natural setting and seeing them in harsh urban landscapes. They make great subjects to photograph because they are so active.

  4. Darko, it must be a family holidays as they have the kids with them 😉

  5. Erwin, there are plenty of raptors about. I assume the foxes will get some, and if there are any owls they will certainly have a feast. Sparrowhawks only very rarely take them.

  6. Nice series! The rats must be grateful for the good PR!

  7. Adele, somehow I doubt they'll ever become as popular as foxes and badgers! Or even wood mice. 🙂

  8. Hum…… rats…Where are the birds of prey that like a rat….:devil:

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