I can guarantee the fox will appear in the garden while I'm typing this in another room, but after two and a half hours of watching I need a break! Today was the first truly good day of spring. It was mild, and the sun was out. I got to work earlier than usual, and took the opportunity of the early start to explore the local fields. I have to say it was worth it.
There were deer out in the fields

And rabbits hugging the fringe of the woods

I also decided to check out the pond, and disturbed a pair of ducks…

duckFemale Mallard

The morning was so good that I headed out again at lunchtime…


There are more of the woodpecker here. I have to say, he behaved impeccably and allowed me to get much closer than on previous occasions.

I also saw a kestrel in the distance and grabbed a few so-so shots. A passing sparrowhawk was more obliging and glided close by.


And yet more rabbits, though unlike this morning they were in rather more of a hurry!
Run… rabbit… run

And yes, the fox came while I wasn't watching! I know because the egg has vanished 😉
Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all shots taken with the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Excellent photo of a mallard, nice contrast with the blue sky :up:

  2. Fantastic photo of the Duck well done. :yes: It was certainly a spring like day yesterday……. some students were having a picnic outside when i was taking tea and coffee over to a function lol 😛

    Hope you catch Foxy again soon.

  3. That duck photo is superb! And if the woodpecker needs a change of scenery, can you please suggest Surrey to him? :whistle:

    Great shot of the hawk too.

  4. Such a lovely spring day, Words :up: The woodpecker's and the duck's pictures are superb! :yes:
    And of course I'm looking forward to other fox captures 😀

  5. Thanks Mark. Yesterday was great… it's a bit more mixed today weather-wise. The duck was on the pond and took off as soon as I spotted it. Will have another go at getting the fox tonight 😉

  6. I'll ask her next time I see her 😉

  7. Darko, thanks. It probably helped that I had no time to think about it.

  8. Adele, thanks. I was nearly on top of the duck when it took off. I think we were both surprised to see each other. I'll do a deal with the green woodpecker. You send your great spotted garden visitor over here and I'll see what I can do 😉

  9. Thanks Anna. It was almost perfect. Sunny, not too warm, not too cold and lots of activity. 😀

  10. Beautiful photos!!! The duck is excellent!!

  11. Thanks Lois!

  12. I was just goning to say that mallard is excellent but the sparrowhawk and greenwoodpecker are too! I rather like the roe deer in the scenery too

  13. Thanks Neil. It makes such a difference to have a bright day. I'd almost forgotten what they were like!

  14. Beautiful shots :up: when you have a perfect day and the animals cooperate, it's a good day to have a camera with you!

  15. Brendan thanks… it's just so much mrore pleasurable when the day is bright. Fast shutter speeds, quick focusing, and of course at this time of the year all the little creatures are out making the most of it.

  16. Run… rabbit… run

    Looks more like he's flying. Trying to fit in with the birds? 😉

  17. Mick, thanks! I'm so glad someone commented on that shot 😀

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