To my surprise the fox decided to spend part of the afternoon somewhere other than on his roof top sanctuary. I thought he'd taken root up there! Instead he decided to sun himself on the paved area at the side of the garden pond. It's a warm spot, and he was extremely relaxed which gave me an opportunity to take some video (which I'll edit soon). Plus a few photos 🙂
Relaxing at ground level

Compared with the old dog fox, he is a fairly skinny little thing, but that might in part be due to a heavy moult (you can see the darker under-coat on his rear flank). There were no obvious signs of the scratches and minor wounds I'd noticed a couple of weeks ago. I'd say he looks fairly content with things at the moment.
Contented fox

I also continued hunting out the insect life around the garden and came across this tiny little moth (less than 10mm span)
I'm reliably informed this is a Pyrausta aurata

These two aren't quite as pretty…
Unidentified bug-eyed mini-beast

Nursery web spider

I've added some more photos to the April Birds album, and the 2007 Quick Pix album has also had some recent additions.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Zachary writes:

    Wow, more stupendous macro photos! I don't know, I think that fly is pretty beautiful from an industrial design point of view.. the perfectly-distributed hexagonal lenses are visible! I love this second spider, too :up:

  2. Lovelly pics, th Fox with the white flowers look so lovelly:) Another great pc screen wall paper for me yay!

  3. Perhaps the fox just wanted a change of scenery? Wonderful macros! :up:

  4. Zachary. Thanks. You wouldn't believe how many shots I took to get that one of the bug eyes. The slightest breeze to the leaf out of focus.

    Mark/Adele – yes I thought the flowers set him off perfectly as well. I think it was probably the heat that brought him down there. Nice though. The best shot is here. I used it on the main site.

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