Yet again Kinky is proving that foxes know when it's the weekend. For the third Saturday in a row she's broken the weekday habit and failed to turn up on time for her medicine. So I'm sat at the backdoor watching an empty garden and posting this with OperaMini.

It's axiomatic that as soon as I remove the bowl she'll pitch up, so I'll give her until midnight. The food will keep fine 'til tomorrow.

Edit: 23:22 — Well it seems foxes also understand that trick of 'lighting a cigarette to make the bus come'. About ten minutes after posting the above, she showed up, gobbled down the medicated food and disappeared down the side of the house.

And since I'm here – released from 'bowl watching' – the other news from today is that our frogs have spawned. The first clumps appeared overnight, and from what I could just see in the pond we should expect plenty more over the next couple of days.

spawn_110306 006

This Post Has One Comment

  1. isabela writes:

    I just LOVE this site-It relaxes me as no other-
    Foxes are my favorite thing- we have a few here on the Cape
    Keep taking those pictures-thanks :love:

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