As promised yesterday, I've sorted out some footage of the male fox who occasionally appears on the trail cam. I've not had the chance to photograph him, but he does seem to like to come by early in the morning. The colour quality is variable across the the three days this footage is taken from (9-11th January), but he's a handsome fellow and who can deny him his opportunity to become a movie star.

On the theme of colour, in the absence of anything else I've taken some more night shots of the view from the garden. Both these were taken with the same settings, but in the second one I've adjusted the white balance by picking out the snow as 'white'. The rest of the colours adjust to compensate, hence the entire shot takes on new hues.
"Natural colour"

"Colour balanced"

Finally, a small plug for the My Opera Winter Photo Contest. Closing date is 1st February, and there's a prize of a wi-fi enabled data card (I suppose it has its uses!).
Nature Blog Network
Camera note: both tonight's shots taken with the Canon 40D mounted on a Manfrotto 458B Neotec tripod. The lens was the EF 24-105 F4L IS USM. Settings were ISO 800, 2.5 seconds exposure at f/8.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Good luck with the contest. :up:

  2. Thanks! I must remember to enter before the closing date.

  3. So, he is a regular visitor now?
    Yes, good luck with contest :up:

  4. Very nice video and photos :yes:

  5. Darko, he seems quite regular although I didn't see him this morning!

  6. Mark, thanks. It was nice to get some trail cam in colour. It switches when it gets light enough.

  7. Thanks Erwin!

  8. Great colours on the snowy photos. The second one looks almost sci-fi! :spock:

    I hadn't heard about the winter photo contest, but at least British bloggers can enter such things this year :whistle:

    The fox is very handsome :up:

  9. Adele, yes we finally can't claim never to have winters! I was snowed in again today. Both routes out were blocked all morning.

    I actually saw the dog fox this morning through the window, just after 7.30. No photo, as it was still too dull (and snowing). Nice to see him though.

  10. Very nice Clip

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