Friday is rubbish collection day, so every Thursday night it's a case of moving the wheelie bin and recycling boxes to the bottom of the drive for collection the following morning. Not the most exciting task for the day. Tonight though I'd just got to the bottom of the drive when I spotted a young fox trotting up the street 🙂

Me being me, I squatted down to greet it and sure enough it was one of the regulars and she came right up. Damn, no camera! So I went back up to the front door and grabbed the camera. These are the results! I think they're the first photos I've managed of a fox in the front garden.

She'd followed up the drive when I went indoors!

Then she explored the front garden while I moved the wheelie bin.

I popped back inside for a moment… she followed.

I didn't invite her in 😉

And once more around the garden!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. roxi writes:

    as always words… great pictures. the foxes look so relaxed..

  2. She's a bold one. What would you have done if she'd come into the house? The worst I've ever had to deal with was a rabbit brought in by one of the cats.

  3. MickeyJoe,

    She wouldn't have got far. The porch (or should that be 'pooch') door behind me was closed 😉

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