On Sunday I posted saying that there were no signs of cubs. I'm revising that call.

Since then a mound of leaves and debris has appeared just to our side of the fence at the rear of the garden. It leads to a gap under the fence. That's a sign. The foxes produced vast mounds of rubble last year in almost exactly the same spot. More confirmation this evening in the form of some faint squeaking from nearby (other side of the fence?). Very cub-like. And I think I've also heard some rather deeper 'rumbling' sounds (very quiet, but clear), which the adult foxes seem to make to keep the cubs in hand. Almost like a low grunt. Just a couple of times. A good sign. But it's the squeaks that are the best indicator.

No actual sighting yet though. And still no sign of a vixen, though the young male was fairly active late last night. I'm beginning to think that his roof-top place is a handy resting point, not just a sun-bed. If he has got young, he'll be working hard late into the night, and the roof is a handy look-out (not that he seems to pay much attention to anything in the second photo here).

Last night

This evening

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Sounding rather more hopeful, then :up:

    That's a great shot of the fox striding down the path! Looks like he thinks he owns your garden 😉

  2. In raisins? 😉

  3. That's a great shot of the fox striding down the path! Looks like he thinks he owns your garden

    He does. We pay him rent 😉

  4. Haha 😆 They love raisins:)

    Thats a good sign then Words, we may soon be seeing cute Fux Cub photos soon:D

  5. First of all, your garden is shelter. Food is addition 😉

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