It's been relatively quiet out in the garden. I'm still undecided about whether there are cubs nearby. The signs are good, but signs are not proof. It could be that they are still too young to come out, or are coming out very late into the night. And it's been quiet (as in no squeaking), though from last year's experience they don't make a constant noise. The young male is more active though (despite his daytime sleeping habits). He was in the garden briefly last night and this evening, and tonight I spotted him trotting along the pavement opposite, nipping into some other gardens.

The warm weather seems to suit the newts, one of which has emerged several evenings this week to patrol the edge of the pond.

The blossom is at its most beautiful at this time of year.

The seagulls are somewhat frisky too…

More of this sequence in the Gulls Ahoy! album[/ALIGN]

And the sheep are enjoying the sunshine.

But the star of this show is the fox, so I'll close this entry with a photograph taken earlier this evening of the young male.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. What an obedient fox, sitting beautifully behind the flowers like that! 🙂

    Nice to see the newt.

  2. I must admit these are my favourite night shots, getting below the fox and setting him against a really dark background. It's an added bonus to have the aubretia in the foreground.

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