Just two photos today, actually taken last night. They're of our friendliest young fox, Shy Boy (who is anything but).

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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 24-105 F4L IS USM lens.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Charming!

  2. 🙂

  3. Anonymous writes:

    Cute little guy. It looks like he has just woken up.


  4. 😀

  5. :awww:

  6. Marilyn, he probably had. They tend to sleep as much as they possibly can.

  7. dW, thanks!

  8. Darko :cheers:

  9. Andy :cheers:

  10. Adele, cute 😀

  11. Originally posted by Words:

    They tend to sleep as much as they possibly can.

    Typical predator behaviour … moving around and keeping awake is expensive, in energy terms, and these chaps have to put considerable effort into stoking up again.

  12. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    Typical predator behaviour

    It is, and yet foxes are also prone to excessive bouts of playfulness. I've often seen them dashing madly about. But when they sleep, they take sleep very seriously.

  13. I've noticed the same thing in most of the felids, from domestic pussycats to lions and tigers … perhaps they need to work off excess blood glucose, but I rather suspect it's that they have to work the kinks out of their brains, much as we do.

    A moment later … I've frequently been tempted to play by domestic cattle (the typical invitation-to-play pose) in a feed-lot, while I was filling the feed-troughs.

  14. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    I've frequently been tempted to play by domestic cattle

    I take it you declined! :cow:

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