Well ok, he's not a real fox, but at least he can come indoors. We were at the local garden centre trying – unsuccessfully – to buy some fence screening to replace some sections damaged in the recent winds. I spotted this little chap in the gift section. He's perched next to an airplant and after about two minutes of yes/no-ing I succumbed. Apparently airplants like warm weather and will be fine outside, though for now he's on the window in my den.

The young male fox has been a star this weekend, appearing a couple of times during the day. And today the light was excellent. Bright but diffuse (it was slightly overcast), which is just about perfect for capturing contrasts without blowing out the white highlights. I've put several photos up in the Fox Watch 2007 album. Some are super-large if you click on them.

We also had a brief visit from the dog fox in the early hours of Sunday morning. I only grabbed a couple of shots of him, but his recovery is coming along well. His rear quarters are just about completely covered again.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Nice little Fox ornament there, i got about 10 in my room lol:P Thats good the Dog Fox is getting much better, hes got more fur on his tail now aswell:)

  2. Cute toy fox 😀

    And nice shot of the sleeping young dogfox.

  3. Welcome to the toy fox 😀

    Your new photos a wonderful. :yes:

  4. The toy fox says 'thanks' 😉 He is somewhat chintzy, and not my usual thing at all but at least it means I won't keep staring at the cacti when I go in the shop.

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