These two shots were taken within 15 minutes of each other tonight.

The Hot

The Cold

A note about the moon shot. The sky was blue and the moon the translucent white disk you see in daylight when I took the shot. I darkened the image and converted it to monochrome in PhotoImpact to create the final image. It's a trick I saw someone else mention recently (and if it's someone on here, it works a treat. Thanks!).

There are also some new images in March Birds, including my first sighting of a Goldfinch, and my best effort to date of a Pied Wagtail.

I closed last night with a brief mention of the dog fox. Here he is (from last night).

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Thats a lovelly Sunset and Moon shot, the Moon looks better when its not completely full as you can seethe Craters:D

    The Dog Fox is looking in much better shape, you have done very well in bringing him back to health, lets hope we see cubs soon:)

  2. The Hot and the Cold… that reminds me of a very old song:
    Lady Sunshine and Mister Moon. 😉

  3. The moon pic is so cool! Amazing shot! :up:

  4. Great photos – very impressive Moon :eyes:

  5. Great shots and interesting note on the moon picture. :up:

    I'll experiment it.

  6. Thanks! The photo doesn't really do the sunset justice. There were low clouds, and the 2 or 3 minutes as it dropped below the horizon were stunning. A swirling red mist. I should probably have used a smaller aperture to sharpen some of the detail, but I was aiming blind. I didn't fancy risking my eyesight by focusing through the eyepiece, so it was a case of holding the camera out in front of me and hoping.

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