Well this is another fox-heavy entry. The video sequence from last night features all four fox cubs, the vixen, the young adult, and the mature male (in the final sequence). Lots of activity, some calm family moments, and the vixen suckling two of the cubs. Not a bad night at all!

As for the photos, I watched two of the cubs earlier this evening and this is a small selection of 'portrait' style shots. They are still cautious, but curious and I was able to use the 100mm macro lens (nice and sharp) for the sequence.

And now the video… the selection is about half a dozen clips from over 100 gathered throughout the night.

Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100mm f/2.8L macro IS USM lens.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Fantastic, Words … I'm speechless.
    Well, kinda.

  2. dW, with luck they'll hang around so we can watch them grow up. I'm enjoying their company. They are so sweet to watch at this tender age.

  3. ..I'm foxed … thoroughly :ko: :left:

  4. How is their mom reacting to you? Guess she doesn't mind if you look after her kids for a while 😛

  5. Innitlike, thanks! :cheers:

  6. Darko, I don't ever see the vixen. She is very shy and very wary of humans. I think she must be quite close by, but she is certainly keeping out of sight. I'd love to see her, but I suspect she'll maintain her mystery.

  7. That's quite the family! They've definitely moved in.

  8. Adele, yep! They are taking over. At night they completely dominate the garden. T he trail cam hasn't picked up sight of a cat in quite a while.

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