Falmer pond, at lunchtime today….

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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. I've seen similar-looking behaviour in wild mallards at home in the St. Clare River … the female did NOT appear willing, and was held down in the water by a couple of boys in the gang while the boss mated with her. A few males standing by supplied whatever extra quacking was needed.

  2. The chicks are going to be a very weird colour!

  3. Love triangle 😆

  4. TBR writes:

    They're randy boogers aren't they! The only bird (that we know of I think) that will carry out homosexual necrophilia…

  5. Darko, yep, that's ducks for you!

  6. Erwin, thanks!

  7. TBR, I've not seen necrophiliac behaviour but I have seen some fairly brutal treatment of a drake by two other drakes.

  8. Adele, it will be interesting to see the chicks and with such distinctive parents I'll have a fairly good chance of spotting them.

  9. dW, this seemed relatively friendly as duck matings go.

  10. The shots are wonderful… and Interesting

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