Two more cute shots to make up for the dismal England display this evening.

First, a cute gosling…


And second, a cute herring gull chick.

Herring gull chick

Camera note: all photos taken with the Canon 7D and EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. We got plenty dismal over here, too. Feh!
    I got some goslings a few days back … ‘Twas a misty, moisty morning …”

    1. dW, things will brighten up soon (ever the optimist). Goslings always bring a smile.

  2. Aww, that gosling is amazing 😀

    1. Darko, thanks. A lucky moment, but they’re the best!

  3. Squeee, a derpy duckling.

    1. Felix, definitely derpy (but a gosling – goose – not a duckling. 😉

  4. The gosling appears to be deciding,”Should I eat that?”

    1. Andy, tough decision for such a young thing.I reckon it will decide ‘yes’!

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