Two quick and contrasting shots from today…

The first is a young herring gull in an unusually playful pose.

The second, a contrast of subject and colour, was taken this evening in the garden. I was photographing the slug and didn't notice the tiny snail in the left of the frame until I'd uploaded it to the computer.

Nature Blog Network
Camera note: first shot taken with the Canon 7D EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens; the second with the EF 100mm f/2.8L macro IS USM lens.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Excellent

  2. 😆 funny pictures 😀 and good one :up:

  3. Second one is amazing :eyes: Great :yes:

    And I guess gull is just being gull 😛

  4. Sami, thanks!

  5. Darko, I didn't have much to photograph last night, but I liked the colours in that second shot. The composition was a bonus.

  6. Adele, it was very odd behaviour, as though it knew how to duck down (as they do) but had no idea how to stabilize itself once under the water. It did this several times.

  7. Erwin, thanks!

  8. Well, I must say that I've never seen a gull at that angle before!

  9. Andy, thanks!

  10. Interesting and excellent

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