If you can bear to look, here are some more ducklings from this morning. I could only spot three of them today, so I hope the others haven't come to any grief. I can't be certain. Unfortunately there was a dead adult female mallard in the water, though the three ducklings were with an adult.

For some reason, climbing over the top was easier than swimming around the obstacle!

There are other birds around the pond, including a first sighting of a little grebe. I've not seen these here before though it could be hiding out on the island out in the centre of the water.

Around the edge of the pond there's a small colony of sparrows. They're usually quite active, but this one was willing to pose for a picture.

To close, a couple of shots from the other side of the pond, and this time making the best of the early morning sunshine.

And before I go, just a short video from the trail cam. Two badgers paying a short visit last night.

Camera note: all wildlife shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens. The landscapes were taken with the EF17-40mm f/4L USM lens.

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Yep…awwww.

  2. zoomoods writes:

    I never dreamed ducks could be this adorable. Thanks for the day-making photos!

  3. :love:

  4. They are still very cute (and thankyou for the cuteness warning 😉 )

  5. …. and it must be great to see badgers like that. I've only really seen them a couple of times – not as road kills which always saddens me.

  6. Words, great post. You are right about the cuteness factor!

  7. Adele, I think it is possible to have an overdose of cuteness, and I fear I'm at risk. 🙂

  8. Zoomoods, thanks!

  9. Steffi 😀

  10. Darko, that's my favourite shot as well. 🙂

  11. Dave, the trail cam is great for sequences like that. I have only actually seen the badgers on a handful of occasions even though they visit most nights.

  12. Sixt photo is amazing. Extra cute!!! 😀

  13. Andy, they're like little fluffy camera-magnets!

  14. Robin, thanks!

  15. Thanks Erwin!

  16. Wonderful post. It's so interesting to see the badgers. I've never seen one here.

  17. Lois, the Eurasian badger is a wonderful animal. Very shy, and surprisingly quick when you how bulky they are. I rarely see it direct, but the trail cam is the next best thing. At least I know they're there and more or less when they turn up. One sight of me though, and they disappear!

  18. Great

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