Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all shots taken with the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Poor guy but they are resilient.

  2. Hmmm, I wonder if that's where the expression "footloose and fancy free" comes from? :rolleyes: Joking aside, poor bird.

  3. As I mentioned to Adele once, about her cat, animals got used to it much faster that we do. They just accept the lack of a limb and go on with it. I have seen a lot of pigeons here without one leg or with crippled one, but they seemed not bothered at all.

  4. We have a rooster like that, he just hops around the yard and keeps up well with the others.

  5. Certainly, my cat is fine with three legs and gulls are incredibly tough creatures.

  6. Lois, it seemed quite well sorted. If you look at the first picture he's resting the damaged leg on a raised part of the light. I should check to see if that's a regular spot for him.

  7. Hmm, it appears it got tangled in some string. Perhaps this is the cause of the injury.

  8. Adele, I think 'tough' was invented for them.

  9. Darko, that's right, they seem to cope well. Though I think it may have trouble paddling for worms (that has to take both feet to do).

  10. Vulpes, 😆

  11. Andy, yes it seemed to be doing fine!

  12. Andy, you could be right 🙁

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