The bold vixen has been on a charm offensive during her most recent visits to the garden. There's been precious little of her on the trail cam but she has more than made up for that by coming down the garden to rest on the lawn and to spend time relaxing. It's provided plenty of opportunity to actually plan some shots of her. This is a small selection from the past couple of nights.

As I said, she's not been much in evidence on the trail cam, but plenty of other garden creatures have been.

Nature Blog Network
Camera note: the first four shots were taken with the EF 24-105 F4L IS USM lens. The last two were taken with the EF70-300mm 4.5-5.6 DO IS lens.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. She really is beautiful. Something in her face remind me on a Old Dog Fox from Adele`s neighbourhood 🙂

  2. Darko, there's often a family resemblance among foxes. Adele's old dog fox was exceptional, but 'Bold' is certainly photogenic and reminds me both of Roofy (see the fox in my title bar) and her behaviour is certainly quite like the old dog fox who used to visit here (and liked to sit around).

  3. I remember Roofy, from your posts about 2 years ago (?)

  4. I must really search through some of my fox cub shots. I'm sure I'll find bold back in 2007, possibly with Roofy.

  5. I agree about family resemblances. There seems to have been a 2008 litter here which produced small, lean foxes with extraordinarily large ears – I've seen four such foxes in a small radius (including a couple in the garden). Searching through old photos is a good idea – might recognise some of the ancestors!

    Anyway, she is a fabulously beautiful vixen, and that shot of her curled up with her head slightly on one side is just great! :up:

  6. Firefox writes:

    nice pics!!

  7. Beautiful photos i think she is the most beautiful Fox in Sussex! :yes:

    I had a great time at Shoreham will upload photos tomorrow if i have time yay!

  8. Mark, of course she is 😀 Look forward to your airshow pictures. I bet you took a lot! 😆

  9. Adele, in the last shot she reminds me of our ODF. It's tricky working out who is who from the cub shots… they change so much, but I'll give it a go.

  10. Firefox, thanks!

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