Well we've had about 12 hours or more of constant rain, and forecasts for more rain tomorrow. Yes, it's an English Bank Holiday weekend.

No signs of the foxes today (the weather has kept me out of sight). I did get a couple of glimpses of one of the cubs last night (Saturday), but too fleeting to capture on camera. They are still more nervous than curious, and any movement sends them running off. With luck they'll eventually pluck up courage to come during the early part of the evening when it will be much easier to see them from a mutually safe distance.

With all this time on my hands I have at last had a chance to work on my website . Specifically I've been looking for a way of making photo albums and a few days ago downloaded the JAlbum package. Up until now the albums on my website have all been hand coded, with the exception of a couple I made recently with an ancient version of Arles ImageMaker. Hand coding isn't difficult, but had become incredibly time consuming. There was an index page to create (plus the thumbnails), and then each of the individual web pages. This one from a year ago gives an idea.

That's all changed. JAlbum allows me to drop a folder of photos into it, tag the main index page with some text, and add individual titles to each picture. It's customisable too, so I've been able to incorporate the main title style of the rest of the site. And then it's simply a matter of pressing a button. Voila! Thumbnails, index page, individual pages, plus even a slide show (currently linked from the main images navigation bar). You can even flip back and forth between images depending on where you click on the photo.

I've now created three albums via this route, linked from a main index page. That page is still hand coded by the way. Individual albums are linked below.

January Foxes[/URL][/ALIGN]

February Foxes[/URL][/ALIGN]

March Foxes[/URL]

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. I like JAlbum too and it's been awhile since I have used it. I did not recognize the theme used. Nice theme by the way.

    Lots of great photos. In March Foxes, #fox_2503076926_a.jpg is a really good one.

    P.s. Spotted the theme now…Chameleon.

  2. Hmmm, raining hard here in the "north" too…

    I like the album arrangement :up: I may start using it myself if space gets a little short on Opera (already up to 34%, and I've been a member here less than a year).

  3. Andy, I wanted to keep it fairly simple and Chameleon is one of the defaults. I turned off the fancier stuff. Too hi-tech and it won't suit the rest of the site. I don't plan a site revamp in the near future (way too many pages) so it's a case of gradual development.

    Adele, I was up to about 65% here, but for some reason (server error maybe?) it reverted to 0% and is now up to 3%. I've got 1.5GB of material on my main site :faint:

  4. Wow, what a lot of work and photos by you! But great and impressing. :up:
    A very nice page and albums too.

    And the software is totally free?
    Because the same idea and problem like Adele (my used space at Opera is more than 50%), I will think about, if JAlbum could be a thing for me…

  5. Ally, the software is free but you need your own web space to upload it to, which you may have to pay for.

    Of course you could just create a second account here (2 x 300 = 600). 😉

  6. Oh, thanks. Webspace shouldn't be a problem. 🙂

    I already thought about a second account. But then I have to reorganize all my posts again…
    No, this is not, what I want now. :yikes:

  7. Distant fields photo is great!

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