Skinny was around this evening and seems much improved. She's had two treatments for mange so far and is scratching less and is generally more sociable. There's not yet much sign of hair re-growth, but her overall demeanour is of a lively young fox. I even managed to get her to pose for a couple of portrait shots this evening (usually she's too skittish).



There's a further shot over on my Fox of the Day page (or use this permanent link to image)

As expected very little daytime fox activity now, and I would expect the visits to reduce over the next few weeks as the cubs find new territory in the annual shake-up. But I did find time to turn the camera to a couple of other subject which I've put in the 'Flying' gallery. I was particularly pleased with the photo of the gull as I find it next to impossible to focus the camera on a bird in flight. This one came out ok though. The bee was photographed with the supermacro mode. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. I stopped by today to catch up on the latest foxy news. I was sorry to hear that one of the cubs had died, but I am very happy Skinny is doing better.

    I loved the ocean photos, and the bee made me smile.

    Thanks for a great blog!


  2. This gull is OK, maybe you have it in 1024×768 so I can put it on my desktop – if you want to share it, of course. You can send it to

  3. No problem! 😉
    I've put a large copy in the Wallpaper gallery

  4. Anonymous writes:

    Hello — you stopped by my livejournal where I'd nicked a couple of your photos, glad that it was okay with credit. I'd been working on this story with a fox in it and when I saw the photos I suddenly got so extra-inspired! So thanks. The photos here are amaaaaazing, thanks so much for linking me back here! Gorgeous.


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