One of the more positive aspects of yet more heavy rain is that it seems to bring some of the smaller creatures out into the open. Checking the garden this evening, I came across a number of the less visible garden inhabitants.


These snails were racing across the patio


And a small frog was hunting on a log


tadpole portrait

Even the tadpoles were active


And the wood mouse was exploring the bird feeder


No further sightings of the fox cub as yet, but I did see the adult flit past late last night with what looked like another rabbit hanging from his jaw. He's clearly an expert hunter and is busy feeding a family. It's little wonder that he's not pausing in the garden when there are such rich pickings to be found elsewhere.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Astonishment, as usual! What a lovely pair of snails–which, though little more than glorified slugs, will forever be cuter because of the shells. When I find them, I merely transport them away from my flowers (full well knowing they come right back).

  2. Thanks Melissa. We tend to let the snails get on with it in the garden, in the forlorn hope (on my part) of attracting thrushes. It never works 🙁 The snails seem to like sultanas though (if they can get to them before the fox).

  3. Hi- the frog looks particularly photogenic :).

  4. Lovelly pics:) The Tadpole looks really cute!

  5. Great collection, Words! :up: Nice to see the mouse and the tadpole looks suitably rotund! 🙂

  6. Thanks! It was a good night for the little ones.

  7. Wow! great post :up:
    Superb snails racing picture 😆

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