Well very nearly. It's been bright today, and dry. And it may even stay this way for a few days. Here's one happy duck enjoying the day.

Much of the rest of the day was a combination of great sightings and terrible photography. Here's my best shot of a greater spotted woodpecker just yards away from me.

Tonight I managed this shot of one of the two vixens. :right:

And those are the good ones. I missed compeltely a shot of two foxes out on the pavement opposite the house. They were both prone on the ground, calling and screaming. I also missed a beautiful moment of two (yes, a pair) of fox cubs in the garden. At least the trail cam may have picked that one up but I won't be able to check until tomorrow.

Shutterbug came through the garden carrying something large, but disappeared behind a shrub before I could photograph him. At least he had the good manners to return, which is when I took this shot. Not great, but better than nothing.

Some days it goes like that. There'll be plenty more chances for something better, and seeing the cubs again is a highly promising sign. So that's it for tonight. A collection of 'might have beens'. But a good collection!
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Camera note: duck and woodpecker taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens. The foxes were (and were not) photographed with the EF 200mm f/2.8L II USM lens.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. There's no mistaking that ear, though.

  2. LOL … funny post, Words! I've seen lots of photos like those "near misses", but the people who took them were unaware that they were anything but superb. My wife's first husband (a schizophrenic) (no, really!) wanted to be a photographer, and cranked out shot after shot of the tops of people's heads, groups of people from the neck down, and strange, empty shots of the upper corners of rooms … he had no idea that the pictures weren't just right until he saw the prints.

  3. What kind of duck is that, it has unusual shape of head, so to say, I don't remember seeing anything similar? :left:

  4. dW, the most frustrating 'missed' shots are the ones where you really do miss the moment for some reason (usually operator incompetence). With wildlife it's easy. You just label the shot 'habitat' and move on!

  5. Adele, it was quite an effort to get that ear.

  6. Darko, it's an Indian Runner Duck, a domestic variant of the mallard. They are quite odd, and stand very upright.

  7. Actually nice to see those less successful shots as well 🙂

  8. Yes, Sami … it gives him a slightly less Olympian aura. 😀 😀

  9. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    Yes, Sami … it gives him a slightly less Olympian aura. 😀 😀


  10. Sami, these ones are fine…. I'm not going to post the really unsuccessful ones though 😉

  11. Originally posted by derWandersmann:

    Yes, Sami … it gives him a slightly less Olympian aura.

    On the contrary :p Even to get an idea to show some less successful shots that area still nice and funny is excellent. Like a real musician able to play inharmonic 😀

  12. Originally posted by serola:

    Like a real musician able to play inharmonic

    If only!

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