Well I bit the bullet and got myself a new camera today… the Canon EOS 400D (or Digital Rebel XTi as it's known outside the UK). I've spent most of the day learning (a) how to use the camera and (b) how to process RAW output. Oh and (c) realizing why photographers develop wrists like tree trunks. These things aren't light, though to be fair most of the weight is in the lens which in this case is a 70-300 zoom with diffractive optics and image stabilizer.

The weather was typically leaden all day, the sky never brightening beyond a virtual dusk so opportunities to test it out were somewhat limited. Forecast is the same or worse for tomorrow which is a pain, as the only real way of learning to use one of these is to use it, get familiar with what it does and doesn't do, and find preferred settings for different types of shot. But a new camera means finding something to photograph and there were some gulls flying around nearby so I pointed and fired away. The shots aren't great, but are way better than anything I could have managed with the Canon S2, given the terrible light and the distance. With practice, and better conditions, I should manage some ok shots.


This evening I tried put some night photography with mixed results (the autofocus tends to 'hunt' a bit if the zoom is extended), but again practice will help. I was pleased with these shots. The first is taken with a medium zoom (185mm for those interested), and the second at the standard 70mm end of the lens. The real test will of course be when the foxes show up, but that will have to wait.


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Have fun!

  2. Congratulations for your new "toy". I'll be glad, to see the new foxy photos 🙂

  3. Have fun, great toy 🙂

  4. I will… when it stops raining 🙁

  5. :faint: what a camera! 😀

    I occasionally see the autofocus hunting on my 300D but to date it hasn't really hindered me. Anyway at least it has usable manual focus, unlike my old Fuji S5000 where the controls were in such awkward places you needed to be something of a gymnast in order to use it!

  6. WOW!:eyes:
    Nice Christmas gift you have made to yourself 😀

    I'm looking forward to see the "new" foxes pictures

  7. Well, the most important thing in photography is to recognize the moment, the camera is just the tool for saving this moment for later. You have proved to have an eye for a "moment", so there is no doubt about the camera 🙂

  8. Congrats with a new camera (I tried it, it's nice!) and a warm wishes on a forthcoming year!!! 🙂

  9. I got a new camera too, and same thing, the weather isn't good enough for me to properly test it outside :/

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