And on the 5th night the fox appeared! At around 11.30pm. So finally, we got the first dose of ivermectin in him. And he looks like he needs it as you can see in the photos. They're not great (I was focusing manually in poor light so as to do nothing to disturb him) but they do show just how much damage the sarcoptic mange mite can do. If he continues to show up for his weekly dose, I'm hopeful that we can clear it up. It's mainly a matter of breaking the life-cycle of the mite. The first dose will help deal with the immediate infestation, but the breeding cycle of the mite is three weeks so it's important to cover that period fully.

In terms of his general demeanour and behaviour, not much has changed though he did seem hungry. And he's probably cold as the temperature has dropped to around freezing.

Taking his medicine

Severe mange on the rear flank

A more flattering shot, with an example of eye-shine caused by the flash

Off topic, but I'm really pleased with this shot of a magpie from today. Decent light and low branches make such a difference.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Poor old fox :worried: in this cold weather.

    Great shot of the magpie. You're building an impressive corvid collection!

  2. Will he get better Words? i hope he does soon.

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