Despite fewer sightings of late (I know that's a somewhat relative concept) the foxes are still very much around. The difficulty in seeing them is that they are actually quite active at the moment as the winter begins to set in and they prepare for mating. All this means they spend much less time just hanging out as they were prone to do in the summer, and so sightings are snatched as the flit across the gardens. As in this grabbed shot of the shy fox just after midnight last night (Sunday/Monday).

Early this afternoon I spotted a fox across the road, coming out of a garden and heading our way. I managed to get to the rear of the house in time to grab the camera (set up for photographing seagulls, so not ideal for this). I managed a very snatched shot, at far too slow a shutter speed, through the window. It is probably the shy fox from late last night but it wasn't about to hang around for a proper identification.

I did slightly better tonight though. The old dog fox showed up again, for the first time in just under a week. He didn't stay long, but at least he trots sedately rather than hightailing it out of the garden when I approach with a camera. He was even thoughtful enough to position himself so that I could more or less get his head in this shot!

Camera note: Night shots taken with the EF 24-105 F4L IS USM lens. The daytime shot taken with the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Nikki writes:

    His fur is so shiny and healthy in the larger sizes of the photos. He's such a fantastic fox!

  2. Lovelly pics the second one makesit look wintry with the white wall:D

    Last night i could hear fox like barking or shrieking, it almost sounded like someone being attacked but i looked outside and it wasnt that, it must have been Vixen calling a Dog Fox perhaps?

  3. The old dogfox looks in excellent condition :up:

    They certainly are very active right now. Actually I'm planning to put this on the village noticeboard later with a reminder to watch out for wildlife crossing roads day and night.

  4. Adele, that's a great sign to put up! :up:

  5. Mark, that second photo is a bit of a rescue job (I cleaned up the wall a bit) 😉 The foxes are certainly making a noise at the moment. 😀

  6. Nikki, yes he's doing very well this year! 🙂

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