I've been trying out ways of embedding video into my web pages over the past few days. I'd previously figured out ways of embedding sound (only one example on my site, but deeply appropriate. It's the last thing on this page about William Burroughs if you want to check it out). But every attempt at video had proved hopeless. The best I'd been able to manage was just adding a link which opened the file externally.

All that's about to change. Mrs Words stumbled on a couple of sites that created code for sharing videos, and with a little bit of tweaking I've managed to get what seem to me to be acceptable results. I'm currently in the process of creating individual pages for all the clips but here's a sample of how the pages look (click on the image to launch the page).

Fox Cub Clamber

I've tested the page in Opera (of course), Firefox and IE. The behaviour of the video is slightly different in each of them (Firefox seems the most awkward in terms of sizing the playback, whereas IE expands the video to whatever overall width I specify). I'm testing on all three browsers and will add instructions on the page about controlling the plug-in. The code I'm using is:

<embed src="http://www.permuted.org.uk/fox/movie/cubclamber.wmv" width="320" height="320" autostart="1" showcontrols="1" type="application/x-mplayer2" ShowStatusBar="1" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/download/"> </embed> [edit: link no longer works – old tech! But I suspect everyone can see the actual vids these days, 9/8/2017]

And here's the video.


The full set will be available in a day or so.

Edit: the code I was displaying now seems to be running….. Puzzled, but I seem to have got the code to show again thanks to Trollop. :cheers:

Meanwhile, Fox#2 showed up while I was writing this entry. I managed a few very murky shots through the back window, but she (we think she's a young vixen) is still very wary of movement. Anyway, this is the best of a poor lot!


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