No photos I'm afraid. This one's very shy.

For the past few nights a second adult has been turning up to see what food it can pick up. It is incredibly wary, and the only way we can watch is to stay indoors, turn the lights out inside (we leave a garden light on), and then not move an each when it shows up. The first sign of movement from us (even through the glass) and it's off. So no photos yet, but I'm hopeful I'll be able to sneak at least something through the window once it's built up a bit more confidence.

We think the newcomer is the vixen (they hang out in pairs this time of year). It's funny seeing how nervous she is, as she's clearly seen what goes on with the other fox. He (we're pretty sure about that) is bold as anything and sits out waiting for us (but you already knew that 😉 ).

Meanwhile I've started work on another gallery page for my main site. I'll upload it in a few days, but for the moment here's a taster of how tough life was for a fox cub at the back end of of July.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. There is a certain permution of truth in nature. Not everything is badly tainted. One universal truth common to all mammals, including us, is permuted in the essence of this scene.

    That universal truth is the true pleasure of simply being during a time of rest in the rays of warm sun. I see the fox not simply existing here, but actually enjoying a common luxury of living.

    Common in your garden that is. There are many other places where fox enjoy this luxury far less often than here. Everything is permuted through and through with strains of other things but some are far more positively tainted than others. TG

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