The brief glimpse of springtime has scurried away under a layer of weeping clouds. Drizzle and mist were the order of the day, at least until late afternoon. These were taken early this morning just outside Eastbourne.

The weather had, it's fair to say, improved slightly by the time of my return journey to Brighton. It was dry, and the sun was making some sort of effort to peep through the cloud. I stopped off to see what was about and was rewarded with several swans and a rather striking heron.

The forecast for the next few days is typically 'mixed', a euphemism which fails to disguise the prospect of rain, dark skies, wind and the taunting prospect of fleeting sunshine. We can but see how things develop, but at least it isn't quite as cold as it's been. That's something I guess.
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Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Sheep don't mind a cold weather and heron doesn't mind the cold water… it's only us humans who hate cold and dampness :left:

  2. Yeah … fish kinda like it.
    A very handsome heron, indeed.

  3. Darko, the sheep have suffered this year. In Northern Ireland they have lost around 17,000 sheep to the bad weather this year. True, it's not been as bad here, but the animals are really struggling.

  4. dW, fish do ok when it's wet (mostly!)

  5. The weather in Eastbourne last week was rather – wild. Even when it was sunny, the wind was fierce.

  6. The wind seems to be a slightly unusual feature of the Northern Hemisphere weather this Spring … this might be simply a belated manifestation of what the old sailors used to call "equinoctial gales" … everything else seems to be delayed this year.

  7. Adele, even a week on the winds are chilling here, but it is slowly improving.

  8. dW, I'd not heard of equinoctial gales before, but the term makes sense. If things go any slower summer might reach here by winter.

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