It's back to my regular routine, which means I started the day down at Falmer Pond. To be honest, it was fairly quiet. A few ducks were lazily taking in the morning air, and perhaps enjoying the relatively lack of greylags (most of them seem to have departed for now). Otherwise, very little to report.

The thrushes are doing well this year (so many slugs and snails for them). This young one was perching on one of the churchyard headstones. One day I'll put together a series of churchyard wildlife.

When I said it was quiet, I meant it. I was there again at lunchtime, and apart from a few swallows overhead, the only shot worth keeping was this one of a herring gull.

Back in the garden the badgers and foxes continue to enjoy the garden through the night. This clip is a pair of the young foxes doing their best to enter the Olympic spirit by attempting 'Synchronized Peanut Eating'.

And from this evening, a portrait of Shy Boy, who has proved to be anything but a shy fox.

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Camera note: all daytime shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.Shy Boy the fox was photographed with the EF 100mm f/2.8L macro IS USM lens. Video from the Bushnell Trophy Cam.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Well, you seem to have gotten a lot out of nothing, Words … not a bad day.

  2. dW, I do my best 😉

  3. You need to change his name, he's not shy at all :up:

  4. That cocking of the head when they're trying to figure something out is so typical of canids … I've seen wolves do it, and 'yotes.
    Of course, I've seen people do it, too, but it's not quite the same.
    I was wondering why Mrs Mallard seems a touch soft-focus on her side.

  5. Synchronized Peanut Eating

    😆 Silver medal. They're impressive, but just need a little more work 😉

  6. Darko, you may be right. If you remember the 'Bold Vixen', her original name was the 'shy one'. They really don't like nominal tags. 😉

  7. dW, the duck was a grabbed shot just to get me back in the swing of things. Not my best. As for the cocking head, he was listening to me making squeaking noises!

  8. Adele, they do lose time with each other every now and then, but they have at least (mainly) cottoned on to the idea of facing the same way. I call that progress. 🙂

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