One lucky shot (of the robin), and my first ever photos of a dragonfly. 🙂




This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Your robins are much different than ours in N. America. I haven't seen that bird here, but to me it looks like a type of warbler. It's very unique looking.

    Nice shots of the dragonflies too, those are not easy to shoot. :up:

  2. Great photos.

  3. Wow, you got the dragonflies… great shots!

  4. Thanks all.

    I noticed how different our robins are when I looked a the ones over on Andy's albums. The robin is classed as a 'chat' over here, or Old World Flycatcher. It was flitting about so I only had two shots at it (and it moved for the second one). As for the dragonfly, it was just hanging there so fairly easy to get. I managed 16 frames before it moved.

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