It's a seasonal thing. Late autumn/early winter the foxes are active, but elusive. You can hear them in the night as they increase their mobility in the search for food, a mate and a winter den. It's a time when the social structures are in the mix, and survival and territory take precedence over lazing around and shepherding cubs. There are currently four foxes who use the garden, but photographing them has proved as difficult as I can remember. Their hours are erratic, generally later into the night than during the summer months (but also fleeting moments in the middle of the day). They're unpredictable, but when they are around they are alert and highly skittish.

So I was delighted to grab a few shots of Cheeky this evening. She didn't stay for long, and she kept her distance but these are the first photos I've managed of any of the foxes for nearly 3 weeks.

Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 40D and EF 100mm f/2.8L macro IS USM lens.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. well, they are around and in good health, it seems 😀

  2. Darko, yes they seem to be doing fine 🙂

  3. Erwin, thanks!

  4. She looks great. I'm finding it hard as well but I have to partly put that down to Surrey suddenly doing a good impression of Siberia. It should get easier in the New Year, if we don't get re-blanketed by snow.

  5. Great pics of the foxes u r lucky to have them in the garden! 🙂

  6. Jack, thanks! There are a lot of foxes around here, so really it's just a matter of having the patience to watch out for them

  7. Adele, if the snow doesn't clear soon your way it'll freeze up again :yikes: Either way, it's not the best time of year to spend hours outside in the hope of getting a photo. I'm sure the foxes think the same.

  8. Thanks Mark!

  9. Very cool Fox photos. :yes:

  10. Lovely Photos

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