I was in the garden this afternoon, my main reason being to bury another rabbit pelt that had been discarded at the rear of the garden. I'm fairly sure these are wild rabbits, which are plentiful in this area.

Our small pond is home to numerous frogs and newts, and attracts a good deal of wildlife. The garden at this time of year is throbbing with life, from blackbirds and chaffinches (not to mention the wood pigeons and collared doves), to grasshoppers, damsel flies, and a veritable storm of butterflies. We also see occasional slow-worms. Plus of course snails, and less commonly thrushes which bash the living daylights out of them. So generally, it's very healthy out there, and a great and fertile hunting ground for the foxes.

While I was out there this afternoon, one of the cubs put in an appearance (probably the same one featured in last week's 'country cub' entry, though it's not always easy to tell). It was very warm, the cub was somewhat restless, and after a while it decided to wander near the pond. While I was watching, he darted behind a shrub. There was a short 'squeak', and then he emerged with something in his mouth. He'd caught a mature frog, and after a moment gathered it in his mouth before proudly trotting off through a gap in the fence. The whole episode was over in a second or two, and the kill was immensely efficient on the fox's part.



cubs_frog_150706 030

Fox cub with frog



This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Flying Red Fox writes:

    Awesome! Fox – 1 Frog – 0 hehe 🙂

    You are really brilliant Words, i wish i had foxes to take pics of so easily, keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks!

    I feel somewhat sorry for the frog though. It was well sheltered in the undergrowth……. and I always watch out for the spawn in early spring. But there are plenty of them, and it was quick.

  3. Wow, what an experience to capture! Your pictures are really amazing, Words. Still one of my favorite photoblogs.

    :rip: frog

  4. Fox, you have stolen the frog… now I can sing this little song for children in a new version…
    Amating photos!

  5. Maybe she just wanted to kiss her prince, like in fairy tale 🙂

  6. Hi Marjenta,

    I'm sure the foxes won't mind the frogs. Our frogs generally do ok and the population seems to keep a fairly stable balance. The foxes will do a decent job of keeping the rodent population down.

  7. Marjenta writes:

    We have foxes on our allotment, thanks for your comment on my movie on You tube today, But yesterday I discovered we also have frogs! So i hope they will be able to get on together! Great pictures.

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