This time last year we were bathed in warm sunshine. This Easter, although the threatened rain held off, there's a sharp bite to the air. The birds don't seem to mind though.

I'll start with a goldfinch, seen in the garden (something of a rarity).

Also in the garden, looking resplendent in its green frock-coat, a magpie…

Further afield, literally and a field away from where I took this, a buzzard perches low in the trees…

A crow comes into land among the crops…

And overhead, a skylark sings as the day comes to a close…

The butterflies are also beginning to emerge. I saw a brimstone in the garden today, but failed miserably to photograph it. I did manage a peacock though.

A small tortoiseshell also paused for a few moments…

In the pond, the spawn is transforming into tadpoles. This was taken a few hours ago…

And the vixen is busy feeding her young. She passed through the garden late last night carrying a pigeon. It's rather easier to photograph her when she has some chicken to pick over 😉

Nature Blog Network
Camera note: All shots taken with the Canon 40D. The birds were all photographed with the EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens. I used the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS for the butterflies (it has a shorter focusing distance, so I can get in a little closer). The tadpoles were taken with the Sigma 105mm F2.8 EX DG macro plus extension tubes (and the Sigma ring flash). The vixen was photographed with the EF70-300mm 4.5-5.6 DO IS lens.

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Wonderful shots! Especially the butterflies so early in the season. And of course the vixen is very pretty.

  2. Butterflies are usually not patient enough to let me photograph them :left:

  3. Brimstones are very awkward :insane: but so are most of their relatives. I tried running after flying butterflies last year, and found it quite demoralising :faint:

    Lovely shots! Especially like the magpie – they look beautiful in the sunshine :up:

  4. Darko, it depends on the butterfly. Some keep still, but make sure you don't let your shadow cross them as you approach. Then they fly away.

  5. Erwin, thanks!

  6. Robin, thanks! Last summer we had swarms of butterflies. It would be nice if we get the same this year, but the weather will need to warm up first.

  7. Adele, I got a few shots of resting brimstones last year, but they are next to impossible in flight. The only trickier insect is a flying emperor dragonfly (the word 'erratic' springs to mind given their flight pattern).

  8. Sometimes they notice me from few meters distance and fly away. Then they settle and when I approach again, they fly away :awww:

  9. Excellent photos! The one of the magpie is beautiful, not just in colour, but you've caught him in a great pose!
    Your butterflies are so colourful in comparison to ours.

  10. Yay Spring is here now, gonna go to Arundel later today to see the Ducklings, its a perfect Spring day, think i will have lunch in the garden. 😀

  11. Lois, thanks. The magpie shot one of those when they move at the right time and in the right direction. The tail feathers caught the light splendidly as well!

  12. Mark, enjoy Arundel. Perfect weather for it 😀

  13. Spring is definitely here – great pics

  14. Neil, yes finally! A shame it skipped the Easter week, but better late than not at all.

  15. The Photos are beautiful

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