A short sequence of a juvenile herring gull. It was dipping up and down into the water cleaning itself, and shaking down. It seems to be part of the process of cleaning out the detritus from their moult. It also makes for very easy action photography.

And a very short badger clip. We noticed that some seed trays which we leave inverted in a larger water tray (so the birds can hop around) had been 'disturbed'. A quick trawl through last nights trail cam footage soon found the culprit caught in the act.

Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D and EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens. Video from the Bushnell Trophy Cam.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Nice gull sequence … very interesting.
    Next time, try bricks or chunks of concrete pavers. Upside-down, rightside-up, there's no difference.

  2. dW, I'm glad you liked the gulls. I overlook them too often but they can provide fine action shots. As for teh water tray, I've put the smaller trays back and so far so good.

  3. Erwin, thanks!

  4. Given the holes that they dig in woodland while foraging, I guess the trays got off quite lightly!

  5. Adele, we've one or two holes appearing in the garden as well, but nothing to compare to the trenches we had a few years ago.

  6. Very beautiful shots

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