It's been well over a week since I'd seen a fox in the garden, and without a trail cam to monitor what I don't see it's been a little frustrating. But tonight changed that. A new trail cam arrived today (a Bushnell Trophy, for those interested) and it's outside now doing its stuff (I hope). I'll see whether I set it up properly tomorrow. Even better news is that while I was standing out in the rain, Bold decided to put in an appearance.

Yes, she's wet (so was I), but what really caught my eye was that the dark patches that she sported all last winter have returned. I think I first noticed them late December last year, so this year they've appeared about a month earlier. Either it's a physical thing (hormones?), or it's connected with wherever she builds her den; and if that's the case, then I presume it will be in the same location as last year. And no, I don't know where it is. Still, she was looking well, and despite the awful weather was in no hurry to leave.

One thing you can say about foxes is that do help keep the rodent population down. Regent's Park clearly is suffering from a vulpine shortage.

Though I am getting plenty of photos of an animal I'd scarcely seen before, let alone been able predict and start to plan and compose shots.

Nature Blog Network
Camera note: the rat shots were taken with the EF 200mm f/2.8L II USM. The fox was photographed with the EF 24-105 F4L IS USM lens.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. You really managed to make rats look so cute 😀

  2. Glad to see Bold is around :up:

  3. Sami, I know. It's ridiculous, but a dash of orange, a bit of green, and they are quite transformed.

  4. Erwin, she likes her rest!

  5. Darko, she's not the only one (according to the trail cam) 😉

  6. Glad you got a new trailcam :up: Looking forward to seeing the pics. And may it never encounter an Andrea 😉

  7. I remember Andrea! A true star 😀 I need to sort out editing the new video footage down to a reasonable size… nothing is ever quite as straightforward as you imagine.

  8. Looks he Is very tired… great shot :up:

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