A beautiful sunny Bank Holiday today… and some photos from Brighton Beach.
I still think of this pier by its original name of 'Palace Pier'

The forlorn remains of the West Pier, disintegrating since the 1970s

The view east towards Brighton Marina

The view west towards Hove

Brighton wouldn't be Brighton without the deckchairs

That was today… but there are three photos I should have posted yesterday and will post now while I remember. First is the baby slow worm. The family lives in the compost bin (warm, safe and full of insect life… slow worm heaven). The bay is the skinny pale pinkish one on the left.

The second and third shots are a large yellow underwing moth (the first I've seen). Thanks to aeshna5 at Wild About Britain for the i.d.

Click to enlarge
Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all the Brighton shots were taken with the Canon 40D and EF70-300mm 4.5-5.6 DO IS lens. The others were taken with the EF 100mm f/2.8L macro IS USM lens. The final shot is a stack of two frames, compiled using Combinezp.

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. One does not find solitude in Brighton at this time of year! I wonder how long it will be before the West Pier finally falls into the sea.

    Lovely shot of the moth! And the slow worms are great, of course.

  2. What happened to West Pier? :left:

  3. Darko, it just slowly started to collapse in a storm, then it caught fire, then more storms, then more fires…. Every few years another disaster until this is all that's left. The starlings love it though!

  4. Adele, they dismantled part of the shore-side remains fairly recently… now a swimming hazard apparently! It's a never ending saga with the West Pier. No doubt someone somewhere is dreaming up another restoration plan :right:

  5. I guess ocean didn`t like it :left:

  6. Or wanted to keep it all to itself!

  7. :insane:

  8. Erwin, thanks!

  9. I went for a paddle in the sea at Brighton about 2 weeks before you were there and it was freezing lol! 😆 I have been spending lots of quality time with my girlfriend that i almost forgot Opera Blogs, but as you can tell from Facebook iam very busy lol!

  10. Mark, I bet it was cold. You won't catch me in there :smurf: I've seen you've been busy, but then that's good!

  11. Pict with a story :up:

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